Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Wow! Summer is flying by and school is just around the know what that means my fellow teacher friends...back to work! Summer has been busy with many highlights! One big highlight being that I am finally engaged and in the process of planning a May 2, 2009 wedding in the beautiful town of Traverse City! Michael proposed while we were camping up in Mackinac City for a weekend in June with his we admired the sunset with the bridge! Other highlights have included spending Cherry Fest weekend with good friends Beth & Garth....geocaching with Mark & Kristie....visiting Michael's Grandma and Family in Imaly City....spending time at the Cottage with the TerLaan a trip to Munising with the family I nanny. Overall I can't say summer has been bad.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

A Dude Ranch Experience

For Spring Break 2008...I got to head to a Dude Ranch in New Mexico with the family I nanny for. It was an experience I will not forget. The ranch was out in the sticks. The nearest Gas Station was 89 miles way and the nearest town was 2 hours away. Also the ride out to the ranch made the whole car load full car sick. The ranch ran off a generator and had a water tank reserve. Our days conisted of riding horses in the morning and afternoon. We would then explore places near the ranch at night. As many of you know...I am not a fan of horses...and many people laughed when they got wind I agreed to go to a horse ranch. I survived and the scenery was excellent. was an excellent trip.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Mexico Vacation AKA "A Break from Reality"

I was invited to go on vacation with Michael's family to Mexico and school actually let me off to go. We had an awesome time hanging out and chillin by the pool and soaking in the rays. It was a delight to be away from the cold and snow in Traverse City. Life for once was about relaxing and spending time with ones you hold dear.
Some highlights of the vacation were parasailing and snorkling. I have to say for my first visit to Mexico it was a good time. I would go back in a minute. The worst part was I only got to go for a week while Michael's family got to go for two weeks. I guess I can't have everything.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Thanksgiving Vacation

Thanksgving break was great. I ended up making one big loop in order to make sure I was able to see all those on the list. I first went to Ludington to hang out with the family for Turkey Day. That was a great time. Next I headed down to Z-town to hang out with Missy, Beth & Garth. That was a delight from shopping to Geocaching to the Griffin's game..the time was packed full of joy. It's fun to hang out with the girls anytime. We seem to always pick up where we left off. Then it was back to TC to hang out with Michael and his family. Overall I can't complain we had a great time.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Geocaching with the Chicas

Jen, Kristi and I had a long awaited "GIRLS NIGHT" We went geocaching in Leelanau County. Geocaching is a treasure hunt using GPS devices! The way to find the caches is by latitude and longitude coordinates. We had a great time driving around Leelanau County looking for various caches. Our favorite cache brought us to a cemetery in the middle of Leelanau county and referenced the movie "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly". We had to mark off paces in certain cardinal directions and everything! It was a blast! Another favorite brought us to a little park on Lime Lake - what a beautiful inland lake! All I have to say is Northern Michigan is a beautiful place to live and explore. Overall it was a successful evening with the LADIES!